Mindset Transformation

Assessment and plan to move to semi-retirement.

Resilience and Positivity

Today, I’ll be talking about mindset mastery and the benefits of cultivating resilience and positivity in your entrepreneurial journey. I will even give you six free tips on how you can build the key skill of resilience as a solopreneur. This is something that every successful entrepreneur needs to thrive and enjoy the journey. To find out more, you’ll have to listen to this episode (16).

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Mindset Transformation

Mindset mastery

Today, I’ll be talking about mindset mastery and the benefits of cultivating resilience and positivity in your entrepreneurial journey. I will even give you six free tips on how you can build the key skill of resilience as a solopreneur. This is something that every successful entrepreneur needs to thrive and enjoy the journey. To find out more, you’ll have to read this blog post.

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Mindset Transformation
Overcoming Obstacles - Escape the fear holding you back

Overcoming Obstacles

Today, I’ll be talking about overcoming obstacles by addressing the elephant in the room – fear. All your obstacles can be boiled down to fear and it is the biggest thing holding you back from your dreams and goals. I’d like to go over the six common fears that can hold you back, if you let them. To find out more, you’ll have to read the full blog post.

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Mindset Transformation
Overcoming Obstacles - Escape the fear holding you back

Overcoming Obstacles

Today, I’ll be talking about overcoming obstacles by addressing the elephant in the room – fear. All your obstacles can be boiled down to fear and it is the biggest thing holding you back from your dreams and goals. I’d like to go over the six common fears that can hold you back, if you let them. To find out more, you’ll have to listen to this episode (12).

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Mindset Transformation
Living Fearlessly - inspiration to reach for your goals

Rhonda Britten

As this is my 10th podcast episode, and the beginning of a new year, I’m going to do something special. Today, I’ll be talking about one of my “remote mentors” and reviewing the most memorable lessons I’ve learned from listening to and following their advice. I thought I would start off with my favourite Life Coach “hero”, Rhonda Britten and a strategy she calls “Fearless Living”. To find out more, you’ll have to listen to this episode (10).

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Mindset Transformation
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