19 December 2024
Michelle Knight,
The Life Passion Coach
Passion Discovery
Today, I’ll be talking about the myriad of ways you can find your Ikigai, or your purpose in life. I’m going to review 6 of the most popular methodologies in a 6-part series over a number of weeks so that you can pick which one works best for you. Starting this week with Tony Robbin’s method of how to find your Why. To find out more, you’ll have to read on…
Bonjour mes amis et bienvenue! I am The Life Passion Coach, Michelle Knight, I’m a digital nomad, a passport stamp collector and an avid reader and motorcyclist. Today I want to talk to you about the myriad of ways you can find your Ikigai, or your purpose in life. I’m going to review 6 of the most popular methodologies in a 6-part series over a number of weeks so that you can pick which one works best for you.
Have you ever tried Googling, “how to find your purpose in life”? If you have, you’ve probably noticed that nearly everyone has an opinion on the best way to uncover your life’s meaning. The sheer number of results can feel overwhelming. Yet, amidst the noise, I’ve discovered some common threads running through the most popular approaches to finding purpose.
That’s why I’ve decided to put together a series of blog posts exploring six of the most widely recognized methodologies for discovering your Ikigai—your reason for being. I’ll dedicate one post to each method, providing you with a clear overview and practical takeaways. These posts won’t appear back-to-back, though, so be sure to keep an eye out as each one goes live. I’ve got plenty of other valuable content planned that I can’t wait to share with you, and I want to keep that momentum going too.
The question of life’s purpose is as old as time itself. As far back as the fourth century BC, Aristotle pondered this very question, developing his theory of teleology—the belief that everything in life has a purpose. Fast forward to today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, and this age-old question feels more relevant than ever. With so many distractions and competing demands pulling us in different directions, discovering our true purpose can seem like an elusive dream.
Many of us move through life on autopilot, simply reacting to our circumstances rather than proactively aligning with what we value most. Even when we think we’ve found our purpose, we often confuse it with short-term goals or external achievements. Others genuinely yearn to find deeper meaning but struggle to know where to begin.
It’s a universal desire: to live a life that is joyous, abundant, and deeply fulfilling. We seek love and meaningful connections, physical and emotional well-being, financial security, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on the world. Yet despite these dreams, so many people feel stuck. Instead of designing the life they want, they settle for the one they’ve been handed, feeling as if their ideal life remains out of reach.
When we do try to make changes, it’s all too easy to throw in the towel when things don’t go according to plan. We face obstacles, hit roadblocks, and begin to believe that maybe our dreams aren’t possible after all. But the truth is, creating a life of purpose and meaning is possible. It begins with mindset—taking full responsibility for our lives, staying committed to our vision, and taking action even when it’s hard. By finding our “why,” pushing through the inevitable challenges, and maintaining focus, we can move closer to the life we truly desire.
And that’s where Tony Robbins comes in. If you’re even remotely familiar with personal development, you’ve likely heard of Tony Robbins—one of the most renowned life coaches in the world. He’s famous for his transformative strategies, and one of his core principles is this: find your why, and the rest will follow.
Tony Robbins believes that understanding your “why”—the deeper purpose that drives you—is the key to unlocking a fulfilling and meaningful life. His method is clear, structured, and actionable, which is why I’m kicking off this series by exploring his approach.
Now, here’s a fun fact: Tony Robbins is what I like to call one of my “remote mentors.” I’ve been a fan of his work for years. I’ve watched his TED talks, devoured his videos, and listened to his podcasts. Though we’ve never met, and he has no idea who I am, I’ve learned so much from him—and I try my best to apply his wisdom to my own life. I have a handful of other “remote mentors” as well, but that’s a story for another post.
For today, let’s dive into Tony Robbins’ 12-step process to help you find your why—and, ultimately, your purpose in life.
The questions “What is my purpose in life?” and “How can I be happy?” are actually the same – and they have the same answer. You can never truly understand how to find your purpose by listening to others’ opinions and seeking outside approval.
If you focus only on achieving short-term goals, you will never find your true passion or learn how to find your purpose. The goals you work toward must always be based on finding your purpose. If they’re not, you’ll only feel a fleeting sense of accomplishment and will soon be seeking something more. You won’t be able to see that life is happening for you instead of to you.
When you set a goal, ask yourself: How will this help me feel more fulfilled? How does this relate back to my purpose?
Developing an abundance mindset is like opening your eyes to life: You will see beauty and goodness all around you. With this new perspective, your purpose in life becomes much clearer. You question less and less how to find your purpose because you feel like you have more of the answers and that you are on the path to achieving meaningful goals.
When we focus on what we have, fear disappears and abundance appears. You’ll stop living in fear that you’re wasting your life and begin to attract positivity and joy. Finding your purpose becomes an exciting journey, rather than a stressful goal.
True fulfillment comes from designing your own life. This is how you unlock the extraordinary. To find your purpose, you must decide what’s truly right, and know it in your heart and soul. You must not let yourself be driven by fear or anxiety. A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision. It will not help you understand “What is my purpose?” but instead confuse the issue even more.
To truly take ownership, you must stop playing the victim. Realize that every circumstance in your life is a result of your own decisions, not anyone else’s. When you take responsibility for finding your purpose instead of blaming others, fulfillment follows.
Look back on your life and identify the times when you felt the most joy. Was it when you were connecting with your partner? Making a successful presentation at work? Creating art or helping others? When you discover what brings you joy, you usually discover where your passions lie.
Your abilities are connected to that sense of joy, so examine them, too: Can you pick up a pencil and sketch a lifelike portrait? Do your friends tell you that you’re a great listener? When you look closely at the activities or skills that come naturally and also bring you joy, you’ll likely stumble upon passions that you can turn into a profitable career.
Before you can ask yourself “What is my purpose?” you first have to know what an ideal world looks like and how you fit into it. Creating a life vision statement involves identifying what life would look like if everyone were living up to their fullest potential. This will help you develop a roadmap to guide you in the proper direction.
When asking themselves “What is my purpose in life?”, some people don’t even know where to start. If you fall into this category, it helps to examine the Six Human Needs. Your top need – certainty, significance, variety, love/connection, growth or contribution – affects every decision you make.
Lack of awareness about your own needs can leave you with a false sense of purpose – one that is actually based on others’ expectations. This is why you can reach the top of the career ladder, find the “perfect” partner or be in the best shape of your life, but still not feel happy. Fulfillment begins with your innermost needs.
Writing helps us organize our thoughts – and discover new ones we may not even know we had. It’s proven to help us reach goals, improve memory and decrease stress, which are all essential when you’re learning how to find your purpose.
Putting your life in writing can reveal hidden meanings you may not see otherwise. Start with this exercise: What strengths do you have that helped you get through tough times? How have you helped others? And how have other people helped you? Write it all down and you’ll begin to see patterns that will help you find your purpose.
“What is my purpose?” is a deep question that takes time and reflection to answer. When you spend all your time running from one commitment to another, you never have time to just sit quietly and reconnect with yourself. Make sure you schedule enough personal time to reduce the noise and demands of the outer world and focus on what you want.
When you feel depleted searching for meaning in life, take a deep breath and center yourself. Take time for self-care, whether that’s a spa day or reading a book in the park. It’s by looking within that you’re able to identify your values – the beliefs you hold most dear as a guiding force in life. You won’t understand how to find your purpose without first taking a step back and relaxing.
Part of finding your purpose is accepting your own limitations. Instead of getting frustrated with yourself, give yourself a break. Get to know yourself bit by bit, taking the role of observer. As you practice self-compassion while building self-awareness, you’re able to find the meaning you’re seeking.
Self-compassion means being patient with yourself. Feeling lost in life can be a very disorienting feeling. You may feel frustrated, but be gentle with yourself. Everyone who has ever asked themselves “What is my purpose?” began from a place of uncertainty. Their hesitancy was what prompted them to dig deep and find greater meaning.
Finding your purpose in life is often about discovering where you fit in. When we meet our “people,” we feel like we are home: relaxed and at ease, able to truly be ourselves. Your community can often help you discover how to find your purpose, or to live your purpose once you’ve found it.
To find your community, follow your passions. Join a volunteer group. Take a class to develop a skill you enjoy. Seek out support online. Find others who enjoy the same music, books or plays. The saying “You are who your friends are” is true – and when you find the right community, it’s a good thing.
One of the hardest parts of learning how to find your purpose is letting go of old identities and interests that no longer serve us. Yet it’s something that must be done. Your purpose in life is also likely to grow and change as you grow and change. You must be willing to be flexible and to listen to your innermost wants and needs.
Finding your purpose is a lifelong journey. Being flexible lets you grow in integrity while being true to yourself. When you develop your core values and stop seeking external affirmation, you’ll find that the question of “What is my purpose in life?” is much easier to answer.
As Tony Robbins says, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying” – which is why growth is addictive to many of us. We naturally only feel fulfilled when we’re improving ourselves or our lives in some way. Everything in life is calling to us to grow. When we stop growing, we start feeling pain, fear and anxiety. We are then susceptible to envy as we look around and see what everyone else has that we don’t. Instead of asking “What is my purpose in life?,” we start coveting status, material goods and power. But all those things will ultimately leave you feeling empty.
Goals, like buying a house or opening a business, yield a sense of achievement and are essential to living the life you desire. Purpose takes those goals to an even higher level. At Date With Destiny, Tony tells everyone in the room: “I will tell you right now, there’s one word that will give you happiness, one. You’ll remember it as long as you live: progress. Progress equals happiness. Achieving goals does not equal happiness.” So if you’re asking yourself, “What is my purpose?,” what you’re really asking for is progress – a true sense of fulfillment. And fulfillment isn’t a luxury or leisure activity – it’s a necessity.
Remember, you don’t have to go through this journey alone. I’m here to listen, to understand, and to help you create a life that aligns with your true self. The process won’t always be easy, but it will be rewarding. You have the power to break free from the rat race, to rediscover your passions, and to lead a life filled with purpose.
If you are interested in working in partnership with me, go to my website and fill out the contact form to start a conversation with me. Let me just finish up by leaving you with the link to Tony Robbins’ 10 ways to find your passion article, to help you get started:
How to Find Your Passion – By Tony Robbins
I’m still giving away my two Freedom Pursuit Checklists – either the “Nomad Nirvana: Your Starter Checklist to Freelance Freedom” or the “Side Hustle Serenity: Your Checklist to a Profit Partners Passion”. I’m giving these away to you, completely free – all you have to do is fill out a basic form so I can email you the checklist you have chosen.
I have developed these checklists to get you started on your journey and give you some actions that you can take to get the ball rolling. The idea is to lay a strong foundation that will enable you to move forward and make meaningful progress. These lists will provide a basic roadmap that will help you identify and prioritise the steps you need to take to reach your destination.
If you are interested in the details of the Freedom Pursuit Checklists, just go to my website and click on the button to fill out the form and receive the checklist you chose. Just remember, big change requires big support, and I’m here to help you through the transition from the rat race you’re running now to the passionate, fulfilled life you want for yourself.
Thank you for reading this BLOG post of the “Freedom Unleashed: Solopreneurship” Broadcast. Believe in yourself and trust the process. Always look for new opportunities and be open to change. Enjoy the journey and make the most of it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Take the first step, embrace the journey, and rediscover the excitement and purpose that life has to offer. Until next time, stay passionate.
I will leave you with my final thoughts:
BDK – Be Brave, Be Different and Be Kind. Remember: Laughter is the answer to everything.
Je vous remercie et je vous souhaite une bonne journée.
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