Passion Unleashed:


# 10: Living Fearlessly

Advice from Rhonda Britten

Published Date

06 January, 2025


Michelle Knight,
The Life Passion Coach


Mindset Transformation

As this is my 10th blog post, and the beginning of a new year, I’m going to do something special. Today, I’ll be talking about one of my “remote mentors” and reviewing the most memorable lessons I’ve learned from listening to and following their advice. I thought I would start off with my favourite Life Coach “hero”, Rhonda Britten and a strategy she calls “Fearless Living”. To find out more, you’ll have to read on.

Living Fearlessly - inspiration to reach for your goals

Bonjour mes amis et bienvenue! I am The Life Passion Coach, Michelle Knight. I’m a semi-retired solopreneur digital nomad, a passport stamp collector and an avid reader and motorcyclist. As this is my 10th blog post, I’m going to do something special. Today, I’ll be talking about one of my “remote mentors” and reviewing the most memorable lessons I’ve learned from listening to and following their advice. I thought I would start off with my favourite Life Coach “hero”, Rhonda Britten and a strategy she calls “Fearless Living”.

So I thought about every 10th post of my blog, I would explore the teachings of one of the people I call my “remote mentors”. These are usually well known names in their field of expertise, who have published content in multiple formats such as books, podcasts, and YouTube videos. Though we’ve never met, and these people have no idea who I am, I’ve learned so much from them—and I try my best to apply their wisdom to my own life. Today’s “remote mentor” review is on Rhonda Britten, who wrote her first book “Fearless Living” in 1996. With exercises and tangible guidelines, this book teaches you the principles that will allow you to embrace freedom and build a new life without fear.

“For twenty years”, Rhonda says “my life was a wreck”. She was an alcoholic who attempted suicide three different times. Oh, and don’t forget those lovely DUIs and the week she was in jail. 

Yet today, she’s an Emmy-winning Life Coach who has been on Oprah and written multiple best-selling books, and she’s been a host on over 600 episodes of reality TV. She’s spent the past 25 years as a Master Life Coach, and she started life coaching before we even knew what a life coach was! I’ve included links to her best-selling books on GoodReads at the end of this blog.

Anyone who has read anything that Rhonda has written, or listened to any of her podcasts or found her website, will know that she loves a good quote. And in fact, we are both such huge fans of quotes that inspire, quotes that resonate, and quotes that help you see the world through a whole new lens. So I thought I would compile a list of some of the best Rhonda Britten quotes. These are quotes that helped her turn her life around, quotes that helped hundreds of people during Life Coaching sessions, and quotes that I know will help you too:

Quotes from Rhonda Britten:


“Live the life your soul intended.” – Rhonda Britten. Living the life your soul intended is what living Fearlessly is all about. It’s living for you. It’s finding your true calling—what your soul was always meant to accomplish.

“Do you act like the world is FOR you or AGAINST you?” – Rhonda Britten. Which is it? Think about your thoughts, words, and actions. Are you living your life like the world is on your side, or do you see everything that happens to you as a slight? In your current state, are you a glass half-full or half-empty person?

A shift in perspective—a positive shift—can revolutionize your outlook on life. Soon, you’ll stop looking at those rainy days as a bad sign from the universe and instead see the flowers that grew from the spring showers. Soon you won’t even notice the traffic; you’ll see the beauty of the journey and the rolling landscape outside your window.

“Are you willing to be wrong about everything to find the right life for you?” – Rhonda Britten. Are you willing to be wrong? Change takes courage and strength. In order to build your dream life and truly live the life your soul intended, you must be willing to be wrong. “Where you begin doesn’t matter. Your willingness to start is what counts.” ― Rhonda Britten.

“Boundaries honor your soul.” – Rhonda Britten. Boundaries are the backbone of a healthy and happy life. They ensure you are safe physically and mentally, and they help you establish healthy, trusting relationships with yourself, partner, friends, and family.

“Beating yourself up is the single most damaging thing you can do to yourself. Instead, acknowledge yourself.” – Rhonda Britten. What is your inner and outer self-talk like? Do you pick yourself up, give words of encouragement, and act with self-love and compassion? Or do you tear yourself down, compare yourself to others, and tell yourself you can’t succeed?

When you catch yourself beating yourself up, change the narrative. Instead, acknowledge yourself and wherever you are on your current journey. You are good and beautiful just the way you are. Acknowledge both the ups and the downs with compassion. “The words you say to yourself create your self image.” ― Rhonda Britten.

“Self-mastery is being comfortable being uncomfortable.” – Rhonda Britten. How comfortable are you with the uncomfortable? When you hear the word risk, what does it make you feel? “Fear is the gatekeeper of your comfort zone” ― Rhonda Britten.

“Telling the truth is an important part of discovering who you are” ― Rhonda Britten. Are you someone who sees risks for the opportunities they are, or are you someone who leans into what’s known and comfortable? In many cases, taking a risk is the key to increasing your self-confidence and opening you up to more opportunities and experiences.

Applying for a promotion is a risk. Starting a relationship is a risk. Giving your children freedom is a risk. Buying a home is a risk. Trying unfamiliar food is a risk. Publishing a book is a risk. And all of these things are uncomfortable, at least at the beginning.

“Do not wait for others to love you; you must decide to love yourself.” – Rhonda Britten. Wait for no one. Love is something you can and must provide for yourself. It’s only when you love yourself that you open yourself up to love from other people. Love yourself first and foremost. Show yourself and those around your compassion, and love in all shapes, sizes, and forms will find its way to you.

“Acts of self-care are acts of self-love.” – Rhonda Britten. You must, must, MUST take care of yourself. Demonstrate your love for yourself with acts of self-care, like reading your favorite book, tending your garden, walking in nature, taking a bath with ALL of the bubbles, or lathering yourself in your favorite lotion.

While it may be tempting for you to work 24/7 to achieve your goals, you must take breaks. You must check-in with yourself. Burning yourself out benefits no one—least of all yourself. Show yourself compassion and love by scheduling acts of self-care into your calendar.

Mountain view: symbolising strategy, the growth mindset and the climb to success

“No one can be FEARLESS alone.” – Rhonda Britten. Find a tribe that supports and honors you. Find a tribe that helps you be the best version of yourself. Find a tribe that helps you live the life your soul intended.

“You are doing better than you think you are.” – Rhonda Britten. No matter where you are in your Fearless journey, you are doing better than you think you are. Simply being here, reading these quotes, and thinking about your life with intention is a huge step. Pat yourself on the back for your courage and curiosity.

“Your true self would never accept your excuses.” – Rhonda Britten. See the excuses for what they are. Excuses are embedded and drenched in our deepest fears. Take a deep, hard look at the excuses that come so naturally to you. What fears do they stem from? “Fear wants our answers to be neat and pretty; freedom doesn’t care if the truth is messy.” ― Rhonda Britten.

“When you live in the past, you can’t get to your future.” – Rhonda Britten. Living in the past keeps you from your future. It keeps you stuck and planted where you are, which means you’re not able to follow your dreams, believe in yourself, and or live the life your soul intended.

“Your yes means nothing if you can’t say no.” – Rhonda Britten. Saying yes to everything means saying yes to nothing. There’s only so much time in a day and only so much you that you can give to the world. When you say yes to every task, offer, event, meeting, gathering, outing, call, etc., you don’t have time to fully commit yourself to anything.

Spreading yourself thin pulls you away from what matters most and keeps you from making true progress on the goals that will have the most impact on your life. Stop saying yes to everything and start making soul decisions! “When you live with intention, your primary focus is the process rather than the end result.” ― Rhonda Britten

“The feeling that you’re afraid to feel is running your life.” – Rhonda Britten. We have such a wide variety of feelings for a reason. They all have a purpose and place. Even if a feeling doesn’t feel good, it’s still real, and it’s there to help you navigate your life and become stronger for every bump or triumph. You need to be willing to feel ALL the feelings.

Let’s get something straight: All feelings feel real. This is why we honor ALL feelings. Allow yourself to feel it all. Don’t allow fear to keep you from feeling sad if something sad happens. 

Go ahead, cry in that sad movie. Cry because you lost someone you care about. Feel that tinge of worry and excitement as the plane is about to take off. Sing aloud because the sun is shining. Laugh at the silly joke. Smile simply because it’s a new day. Feeling honestly and deeply will help you forgive and move on with your ideal future. “Forgiveness is not a one-time-only event. It is a process.” ― Rhonda Britten.

“Honor your feelings. Act on your commitments.” – Rhonda Britten. Feelings are beautiful, raw, and real. No matter how much you may not want to feel certain feelings, it’s important to honor them. Where does the sadness, pain, anger, angst, sorrow, apathy, jealousy, or loneliness come from?

Instead of pushing those feelings away and burying them deep down, honor and acknowledge where they come from. Acknowledge them, but don’t let those feelings guide your decision making or keep you from honoring your commitments to yourself. When it comes to commitments, it’s time for action. “When you use gratitudes to master your fear, the subtle, peaceful voice of intuition becomes your primary guiding force.” ― Rhonda Britten.

“Feelings lie.” – Rhonda Britten. Oh yes, they do! Feelings are full of tricks and turns. While it’s important to value and honor all feelings, we also must have a clear head when it comes to them. Because when your feelings are guided by fear, they can deceive you.

Take the time to understand where a feeling comes from. If you can’t pinpoint the source immediately, dig deeper. Does the feeling stem from fear? Are you caught up in a past trauma that hasn’t been acknowledged? Are you worried about what other people think? Are you afraid you’re not good enough? Are you holding on to something you haven’t yet been able to forgive?

“Are you making it up or is it a fact?” – Rhonda Britten. The question is one of my absolute favorites! At the Fearless Living Institute, where Rhonda teaches us how to live fearlessly, we know that all feelings have value. Every feeling guides us toward a greater awareness of who we are.

However, a lot of feelings aren’t based on facts. These feelings are misleading, as they are guided and generated by our fear. When negative, fearful feelings start to surge through your stomach, heart, mind, and soul, take a deep breath and ask yourself this simple question: “Am I making it up, or is it a fact?”

Final Thoughts: Choose Growth

That’s all the quotes I could fit into one blog post. Rhonda Britten emphasizes the importance of fearless living and self-empowerment. Her teachings encourage people to let go of excuses, embrace their true selves, and live authentically. Rhonda advocates for self-love, forgiveness, and commitment to personal growth as key components to overcoming fear and achieving a fulfilling life.

She also highlights the significance of setting boundaries, honoring commitments, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Britten’s approach is about taking responsibility for one’s own happiness and making conscious choices that align with one’s true purpose and values.
If you want to find out more go to Rhonda is the founder of the Center for Fearless Life. She is the author of four best-selling books:

So, as you embark on your solopreneur journey, ask yourself: are you willing to be wrong, are you willing to love yourself, and trust in your ability to learn and adapt? If the answer is yes, then success is not just possible—it’s inevitable. Start your journey by being true to yourself, with forgiveness and self-love.  Then you can believe that change is an opportunity to grow and your happiness is more important than fear.

If you are interested in the details of the Freedom Pursuit Checklists, just go to my website and click on the button to fill out the form and receive the checklist you chose. Just remember, big change requires big support, and I’m here to help you through the transition from the rat race you’re running now to the passionate, fulfilled life you want for yourself.

Thank you for reading this BLOG post of the “Freedom Unleashed: Solopreneurship” Broadcast.  Believe in yourself and trust the process. Always look for new opportunities and be open to change. Enjoy the journey and make the most of it. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Take the first step, embrace the journey, and rediscover the excitement and purpose that life has to offer. Until next time, stay passionate.

I will leave you with my final thoughts:
BDK – Be Brave, Be Different and Be Kind. Remember: Laughter is the answer to everything.
Je vous remercie et je vous souhaite une bonne journée.

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