Freedom Unleashed:


Overcoming Obstacles - Escape the fear holding you back

# 12: Overcoming Obstacles

The Fear Factor That Holds You Back

20 January, 2024
Today, I’ll be talking about overcoming obstacles by addressing the elephant in the room – fear. All your obstacles can be boiled down to fear and it is the biggest thing holding you back from your dreams and goals. I’d like to go over the six common fears that can hold you back, if you let them.. To find out more, you’ll have to listen to this episode (12).

Today I discuss…

  • (1:04) All your obstacles can be boiled down to fear, and it’s the biggest thing holding you back from your dreams and goals.
  • (1:44) Many people, especially in midlife, find themselves in this exact position, working tirelessly for someone else, only to reach a point where they realise that something has to change.
  • (2:03) At the core of why you aren’t taking the necessary steps to live your dream life, there are three obstacles.
  • (2:51) What you’re really afraid of is a future that hasn’t happened yet.
  • (3:29) Fear is a natural defence mechanism rooted in the brain’s amygdala, the part responsible for processing fear.
  • (4:05) When there’s no immediate danger to occupy it, the amygdala creates fears out of thin air.
  • (4:26) Once we become aware of this, we can begin to challenge and overcome those fears.
  • (6:09) I’ve talked about fear with a lot of different people, not just my own coaching clients, but also with some of my fellow coaches and with my own mentors too.
  • (10:57) This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes by Sarah Ulmer, who is a New Zealand former competitive cyclist.
  • (16:30) As President Franklin Roosevelt has said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.”
  • (17:21) To overcome these obstacles, it’s important to find mentors and role models who can give you guidance and support.
  • (18:21) I encourage you to reframe these fears as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Remember, the passion that you seek is often found on the other side of fear.

Listen for an explanation of the two types of fears, an exploration of the six most common fears and some excuses that fear creates…

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